Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Creativity and New Media

New Media have been a big impact in my life. I use its tool every day whether am using a cell phone or my laptop to view twitter, facebook youtube or even watch a movie on Netflix. or playing video games and socializing with others. For this project, I want to show how with this technology I was able to design different 3D projects using Maya 2016 software. I also browsed the web to find some images and textures to these 3 projects. I will include 3 youtube links so that you guys can check it out.

Project 1: Simple Object Modeling

Project 2: Inside House Modeling

Project 3: Outer Space Modeling

HW Creativity

New media fosters creativity. It provides you with the tools to be creative. It also allows you to show the world how creative you are. This is shown In the article Newyork Times article "Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why? The New York Times, September 24, 2007" by Brooks Barnes. The article discusses how some individuals uses multiple Disney characters to put together a video of those characters raping. Disney was tolerant with such thing since it was faced with an acceptance by many of their viewers. This video was on youtube and it was not being used for generating money and that why I think Disney didn't mind it.

Work Cited

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds is a new computer-based technology which allows people to interact within a custom-built, simulated world. Virtual worlds can be used in different ways. It can be used for educationaltrainingsocialentertainment among many other various uses. The article "I’ve Been in That Club, Just Not in Real Life" states "In the fall of 2006 MTV started Virtual Laguna Beach, a 3-D world meant to simulate the Southern Californian beach community of its semi-reality show “Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County”; in short order it added virtual worlds based on its shows “The Hills,” “Pimp My Ride,” “The Real World: Sydney” and “Kaya.” Virtual world introduces a new way of communication between people.It allows people to communicate with anyone connected to the internet. The article "I’ve Been in That Club, Just Not in Real Life" shows how people communicate in the virtual world. It states "crowd of young urbanites gathered in the bowels of Cake Shop, the pastry cafe cum music club on Ludlow Street, to see a performance by an indie-rock band, the Virgins. A couple of minutes into the show the subterranean space was already packed to capacity and smelling of stale beer, so I left." .Companies can use the virtual world to train people. by training people this way there will be no risks to worry about.Impossibility becomes a possibility in virtual worlds. Another interesting pro of virtual worlds is, It can be used to inform tourism of places they might want to visit before traveling. There are some cons to the virtual worlds. People who communicate in the virtual worlds can be deceit by others and be victims of fraud. Social classes will be created due to the fact that some people will not be able to afford this technology. People can say and do anything in this virtual worlds because there is the lack of laws in these areas of technology. The biggest con that I can think of is, People can get so addicted to these virtual worlds. They will become irresponsible, lazy, careless among many other things. This can cause them to suffer socially and financially in their real life. I think virtual worlds will be the new social media of the future. It will bypass facebook and twitter. I believe that because the virtual world makes the person more involved. It brings you into action and makes you see a different world.


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Blog about Twitter

Twitter and BlackBorad discussions are effective and useful in different ways. I believe that it is hard to keep with twitter discussion if you lose the hashtag of the discussion. You are also limited to a number of characters when using Twitter. I believe that blackboard is easier and more effective than twitter in discussions because you can express more thoughts and get a better understanding of others thoughts. 

Overall I think that in-class discussion is similar to twitter discussions because when I am in class I just spot brief thoughts and note them and that's what I think Twitter is. In my opinion BlackBoard discussion gives you the overall lecture in the in-class discussion while Twitter gives you the highlights.

Blog: Social networking sites

Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram are very powerful and great social media tools. Facebook is a website that allows you to socialize with family, friends and even others that are connected to your friends and family. You can navigate through their pictures and posts. You can make calls, paly games with others among communicating privately or publicly with them on facebook. You can share great moments and memories among many other great tools that facebook provides. Twitter, on the other hand, is also a great social media tool. I don't think that twitter is as powerful as facebook or Youtube. Twitter doesn't provide as much as those two social media sites. Twitter allows you to share quick thoughts by posting them though in a limited amount of charachters. Many celebrities and organizations like to post their updates through Twitter. 

Youtube is my favorite website. It allows you to post and watch videos. You can also make money on youtube by uploading videos. If you become active and get verified you can make a living of Youtube. I also use Youtube through my educational career. I like to watch tutorials. Youtube helped me a lot during my programming and math courses.

Instagram is a good social media tool which allows you to share pictures and videos of a specific event. You can comment on others posts. I don't think that Instagram is bringing any new ideas to the table of social media but it got famous and a lot of people use it. I believe that it got famous because it was mainly targeting smart cell phone users. They can take a quick picture in an event and upload it to their Instagram instantly.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Blog Social networking

Social Networking revolutionized the way of communication between people. It is much easier to communicate with others now. Finding friends and jobs are also easier now. I use to spend a lot of money to call my friends and relatives in other countries. Now there are many ways I can communicate with them such as Facebook, Viber, Whats App and many other Social Networking ways. There are cons and pros to the use of  Soial Networking. Many Businesses uses social networking to higher employees. I once applied for a job at Walgreens company and they had me upload my resume and schedule and interview appointment online. They also trained me online, They taught me how to use their system among many other things. I remember also that they asked me for my facebook information during the interview.Crawford-Hentz's discussed his favorite website that helped companies recruit workers. He states in the Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting article that " Linkedin, a network of 8 million professionals spread across the world. Linkedin says users include executives from all of the Fortune 500 companies. Typing keywords into a search engine, Crawford can scrape the entire network to dig out high-quality candidates that she can't find elsewhere.". There are also cons for using these technologies. By relying on these technologies there are many risks such as the leak of confidential and personal information to unauthorized people. Yahoo and T-mobile currently just get hacked and a lot of personal information of millions have been leaked. The article Leaving ‘Friendprints’: How Online Social Networks Are Redefining Privacy and Personal Security mentions that “The way privacy has traditionally been defined is being challenged,” according to Wharton legal studies professor Andrea Matwyshyn, who earlier this year organized the Information Security Best Practices Conference at Wharton. Among other topics, the conference addressed security and safety issues raised by the social networks." I believe that we will see increases in the security measures on social networking in the future. These technologies will continue to evolve as they have been evolving very fast in the past years. I believe that we will start seeing a mix of technologies combined together with much improvement. This is starting to happen and it will continue. For example, Facebook bought Whats App company and it is now being used by Facebook and combined with its services.

1. Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting by Frank Langfitt, NPR, March 16, 2008. available from

2. Knowledge@Wharton, "Leaving 'Friendprints': How Online Social Networks Are Redefining Privacy and Personal 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

BLOG: Blog v Wiki

Blog and Wiki are two two information tools that are being used in the new media era. 

Wiki is a collection of pages, These pages are connected by hyperlinks. Anyone one can contribute and edit a wiki page. Therefore Wiki information can not be reliable sometimes. Unlike Wiki Blogs are more personalized to its creator. I read an interesting story how Tony Pagliarulo used Wiki in a way such as we use GitHub for coding nowadays. The article "More on how to build your own wiki" showed us how successful was Tony Pagliarulo,VP of application development with information technology vendor EMC. Tony Pagliarulo used wiki with his team to share live and up to date information to complete a project successfully in a short period of time. It also states "Because his team had the most current information, they were able to make better decisions and get the project done faster. And Pagliarulo has used wikis to manage IT projects at EMC ever since.".

Blogs can be used for many things such as making announcements or "diary" but blogs are mostly used now for online journalism. The article Yahoo's Next Problem: Tumblr's Traffic Isn't Growing"discussed how people are enjoying a blog named Tumblr it states how people enjoys "funny gifs and memes, inspirational photos and videos — that’s popular on Tumblr.". blogs can be used for collaboration in many ways such as teachers in school making announcements to students or a sport who might want to announce new rules players must follow to apply for joining the team.
