Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Blog: Next New

I would like to Suggest a new type of "new media" that doesn't currently exist. The gaming industry is continuously evolving and improving in the past few years. I would love to see a new device that allows the user to control the game threw voice recognition. It would be nice if the users can use the new virtual gaming devices with a voice recognition hardware and software that allows the users to control the player in games such as fps competitive games. I would also suggest allowing in-game video chat between players during game time. I would suggest that a horizontal or vertical section on the screen should have all connected group players video chat box with the ability to zoom,minimize,remove and mute among other good features.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Blog: Wiki So Far

For the Wiki project I am planning to work on the art section. I am going to discuss and research different pieces of art threw out the history. I have made a visit to the NewYotk metropolitan museum and picked up some Art pieces that i want to discuss about in the wiki. I haven't posted anything yet on wiki. I have about 12 pages of research documents and images that I want to post on the wiki. In my work I will be discussing some pieces of Art from the Egyptian old and new kingdom, Roman art, Greek art, Gothic art, Islamic art and Byzantine art. I will be posting art works from all those empires and discussing in depth about the piece of art and there significance. I should be able to post my work  this coming weekend as I just figured out from the professor how to add reference sections and upload images to the wiki site. I am also planning to discus 3D modeling and gaming as extra credit. I am not sure if I am going to include all the art documents that I have because its a lot and the Professor Yarmish told us last time in class that we should contribute about a page to the wiki.

Blog: P2P

File sharing is the ability to transfer and move files from one computer to another using a network. There are different types of file sharing and P2P is one example. P2P means "Peer to Peer" It allows the users to access and share files such as music, movies, games and many other things using a software program. The software program will search for connected peers "Computers" in the network. It will find those peers who have the desired content of the end-user and then establish the sharing process. There are many P2P softwares available out there such as: Limewire, Gnutella, Kazza, Bearshare and Winmx. P2P technology is increasing and big companies such as Google are trying to get involve in it.  The article "Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other May 10, 2013" states that "Google is teaming up with the nation's largest peer-to-peer lender. The search and tech giant is investing $125 million in Lending Club, which gets borrowers and lenders together outside the conventional banking system. Google's move and the actions of other big players reflect a growing interest in peer-to-peer lending.". I personally don't like the idea of P2P because it can be used in the wrong way. People can use this idea to spread piracy files and abuse the copy rights of others.


Wednesday, April 19, 2017


In this topic I will discuss the things that I would do if i was hired by Baruch College to use new media to improve the College. There are some suggestions that I would make using new media. Baruch college is know as a great business college. I have been learning better during my five years in college by watching online tutorials so the most important suggestion that I would make is to have some classes tough by having the professors recording the lecture and uploading it online for students to watch. I think that this idea in good because the student will always have access to the lecture at anytime and it will allow the students to have better notes and do better through out the curse. Another Idea that I have is I will suggest that each class must have a way for students to communicate with each other such as forcing the students to register for class group discussion group. This way the students will always communicate and help each other with things that they don't understand. They can also form study groups and study for exams. I think that these two ideas will lead into a better preforming student.


Issues of privacy and confidentiality are tremendously related to new media. It is becoming harder and harder to have a private life with the expand of the new media. To be involve in this technology you have to consider the possibility of having a threat on your  privacy and confidentiality. A person can easily become a victim of hacker or identity theft. I have been a victim to hackers before and I had lost my email once. My wife's credit card information was somehow stolen and been used with out us knowing for 90 days. Another issue that is uprising at this moment is the new act against internet privacy. The CNN stated "President Trump signed into law a resolution that repealed protections requiring Internet service providers to get your permission before collecting and sharing data." I think that this is going to be an issue because there will be no more privacy and confidentiality in the digital world.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Creativity and New Media

New Media have been a big impact in my life. I use its tool every day whether am using a cell phone or my laptop to view twitter, facebook youtube or even watch a movie on Netflix. or playing video games and socializing with others. For this project, I want to show how with this technology I was able to design different 3D projects using Maya 2016 software. I also browsed the web to find some images and textures to these 3 projects. I will include 3 youtube links so that you guys can check it out.

Project 1: Simple Object Modeling

Project 2: Inside House Modeling

Project 3: Outer Space Modeling

HW Creativity

New media fosters creativity. It provides you with the tools to be creative. It also allows you to show the world how creative you are. This is shown In the article Newyork Times article "Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why? The New York Times, September 24, 2007" by Brooks Barnes. The article discusses how some individuals uses multiple Disney characters to put together a video of those characters raping. Disney was tolerant with such thing since it was faced with an acceptance by many of their viewers. This video was on youtube and it was not being used for generating money and that why I think Disney didn't mind it.

Work Cited