Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Issues of privacy and confidentiality are tremendously related to new media. It is becoming harder and harder to have a private life with the expand of the new media. To be involve in this technology you have to consider the possibility of having a threat on your  privacy and confidentiality. A person can easily become a victim of hacker or identity theft. I have been a victim to hackers before and I had lost my email once. My wife's credit card information was somehow stolen and been used with out us knowing for 90 days. Another issue that is uprising at this moment is the new act against internet privacy. The CNN stated "President Trump signed into law a resolution that repealed protections requiring Internet service providers to get your permission before collecting and sharing data." I think that this is going to be an issue because there will be no more privacy and confidentiality in the digital world.


1 comment:

  1. I've had a similar situation to you regarding credit cards.Since then I use Paypal instead of filling in my information directly because even big companies like Target aren't fully secure.
